Is it really a surprise to anyone that it has taken me this long to write my Christmas post? No, I didn't think so. And just a warning, there are a lot of pictures to follow because I am a slacker. So Christmas this year was awesome. The girls weren't really interested in opening their presents, just playing with the bows on top of them. Note to self: next year save a whole lot of money on presents and just buy a big bag of bows! Anyway, after our Christmas here, we went next door to Michael's parents and opened a bunch of awesome gifts there. Then we went up to my parents house and we got to speak to my brother on the phone. I'm not gonna lie, it is really weird not having him here, and even though he's been gone for 7 months now, I still miss him a ton. It was so great to hear from him. He is all grown up now! My family was all taking bets that I would cry first when talking to him. Um yeah, try the LAST person to cry! I'm pretty sure they owe me $25. So that was Christmas. It doesn't sound like much, but it was truly fantastic. I can proudly say that I now have two "walkers" in my house. The girls still prefer crawling as their method of transportation, but they can walk. Reagan is also doing so well developmentally that her Early Intervention specialist thinks we can start to phase her out of the program. This is a good thing and we are so proud of our little peanut. Okay, I guess we'll get to the pictures now.
First random, non Christmas picture... Reagan with a "big girl" ponytail!! I like to call it her pirate pony, because it reminds me of the ponytail Orlando Bloom sports in Pirates of the Carribbean :)Bailey modeling her hat and pj's, both gifts from Mommy and Daddy.
Reagan also sports her gifts.
Bailey and Reagan digging into their stockings.
I love that face!
Poor Reagan had some major bed head going on Christmas morning.
Checking out the goods under the tree. Please ignore my appearance :)
Another random pic. Not only is our daughter a red head, but she is a red head with curls! Love it! We hope it stays that way.
Bailey LOVES to make funny faces so people will laugh at her.
And I just had to add this one because it is one of my favorite pictures of Reagan. Look at those eyes! They make me swoon!